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sweetdemon tho'ts
tho'ts on death
...these are words on wanting death, wanting life, feeling dead, fearing that death will come too soon, and knowing that it's
all my fault.
SMELLS LIKE DEAD in my brain and in my night, wailing banshees attacking every cell - and still,
it smells like dead everytime you come close everytime you unzip me everytime you pull back the covers,
you know the horrifying stench that's stronger than you are, and you know that it smells like dead when
you find me, blue-lipped and frozen and cracked and you know how to gloss over the obvious when you don't
want to think, and you do, too, don't you? yes, and i know that it smells like dead when you pull me out
of the dirt and into the bath, and the mud cakes onto your hands like beauty - and i love the ways your
eyes look - surprised but not; you knew it would happen. and now you flinch at the repugnant odor of me.
DOWNTRODDEN i can't accept things, yet i can't change them. i'm sinking under this heavy mass that is
my mind, and i'm enclosed in this great abyss that has sprouted claws & fangs and is eating me
alive. but how can this be when i'm already DEAD? INTRUSION i'm falling asleep inside
your appetite, and you are getting sick, feeling the disease trying to keep you awake, but you need to fall
deep within. and as much as i try to settle into my little cleft, you won't let me get too comfortable. i try
to make my presence known, but only slightly, like the evil worm in your happy red apple, ruining your whole meal.
AND SO IT WAS DONE and out from the great sea of crimson & pink & blue, purple, black, came the demons - what
beasts! with their violent claws and belligerent teeth. horns so sharp they'd break any seasoned matador. and i awoke, drowning
amonst them - for there was not enough space to hold all of these monsters - and all were vying for the surface, just as i
was. but i was no match for this gruesome & unyielding collection. and together, they realized that my absence would supply
both the fuel and the catalyst for their survival. and so it was done. and so it was done