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sweetdemon tho'ts
the final word

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HOPE is a subtle glutton;
He feeds upon the fair;
And yet, inspected closely,
What abstinence is there!
His is the halcyon table
That never seats but one,
And whatsoever is consumed,
The same amounts remain.
       ~emily dickinson

body modification ezine http://www.bmezine.com/
T. Cole Rachel, distinguished writer, and one of my best friends http://www.tcolerachel.com/
Bikers Against Child Abuse http://www.bacausa.com/
For my love of words, here are free translations http://www.freetranslation.com/
For my love of Latin, even tho' it's a dead language http://www.italatin.com/latin.html
The Straight Dope, cuz you know i love to learn http://www.straightdope.com/
Three Brain, cuz it's fucking hilarious http://www.threebrain.com/
Info on Self Injury for those afflicted and their loved ones http://www.self-injury.net/
info on depression 

...and this is the end.